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All physiotherapy techniques and treatment methods are based on recommendatios by the 'National Institute of Clinical Excellence'  and from journals such as 'Physiotherapy' by the 'CSP' and the 'British Medical Journal'

At Dynamic Movement Physiotherapy, their are several services. Physiotherapy is the main treatment service available for treating musculoskeletal disorders, but it can also be supplemented by Sports Massage and/or  Sports Therapy techniques depending on what is required and the goals of the patient. All of the techniques used are highly effective for both sporting and non-sporting injuries and general musculoskeletal dysfunctions or  pain.


Treatment programs will be customized to meet the unique needs of each patient, whether it involves returning to normal daily function or  sport. My objective is not only to alleviate symptoms, but also to identify and address any underlying causes of injury or musculoskeletal dysfunction. This maximises the benefits of treatment and minimises the risk of recurrent injuries or developing injuries elsewhere in the body. 


knee physiotherapy, Hereford



​Look no further because at Dynamic Movement Physiotherapy in Hereford we have all the secrets to help you unlock a pain-free and active life. 


My mission is to provide you with the highest quality physiotherapy care tailored to your needs. I am a highly experienced and skilled physiotherapist who is dedicated to helping you recover from injuries, manage chronic conditions, and optimize your physical performance.


In this guide, we will demystify the different techniques and treatments used in physiotherapy, including manual therapy, exercise prescription, and electrotherapy. We will also discuss specific conditions that can benefit from physiotherapy in Hereford, such as back pain, sports injuries, and joint disorders.


Whether you're an athlete looking to enhance your performance or someone seeking relief from pain and discomfort, this guide will equip you with the knowledge on the services available at Dynamic Movement Physiotherapy in Hereford. Get ready to take control of your health and unlock the secrets of effective physiotherapy!





Physiotherapy is a powerful tool that can transform your life, by restoring mobility, relieve pain and improve overall physical function. Whether you're recovering from a musculoskeletal disorder, or simply seeking to enhance your fitness and well-being, physiotherapy can provide a wealth of benefits.


One of the primary advantages of physiotherapy is its ability to alleviate pain and discomfort. A variety of techniques are used including manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and electrotherapy, to target the underlying causes of pain and promote healing. By addressing the root of the problem, physiotherapy can provide long-lasting relief and prevent the recurrence of symptoms.


In addition to pain management, physiotherapy can also help improve your range of motion, flexibility, and muscle strength. Through carefully designed exercise programs and targeted interventions, physiotherapists can help you regain and maintain optimal physical function, enabling you to engage in your daily activities and hobbies with greater ease and confidence. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, or those living with chronic conditions that limit their mobility.

Physiotherapy  techniques can help to:










Identifying and treating the root cause is crucial for achieving long-lasting results.


Physiotherapy treatments are customized to meet the specific needs of each individual accounting for factors such as the cause, symptoms, severity, duration of problem and desired outcomes.


Rest assured, with my experience and unique skills, we will develop a personalized treatment plan together, so that it is tailored to your unique needs and goals.

hip physiotherapy, Hererford
Benefits of Physio and Sports Massage


​The ultimate aim of the treatment is to help you achieve your desired goal!


During the consultation, we'll discuss your requirements and how physiotherapy with sports therapy and/or sports massage may be used to reach your targets. With a well-planned treatment program and self management advice, I'll help you attain your optimal function, gain your goals and reduce the risk of injury/re-injury. My  aim is to get you to your desired outcome as quickly as possible!


Depending on what is required, the main treatment goals may be:



Are you struggling with pain?


There are many different causes of pain. There is hope though! as Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy and  Sports Massage can help you find relief.


While over-the-counter medications can provide temporary relief, In some cases, using an electronic device like a TENS machine (as in the image) can provide pain relief. 


I will provide you with advice on self treatment and pain relieving techniques to help ease any discomfort.


Using tens for pain relief
Diagram showing shoulder movement into flexion



Reduced joint ROM can occur for several reasons, such as after an injury, muscle tightness,  or  joint stiffnessOne of the primary goals during treatment is to help you regain any lost  range of motion!


I will identify any abnormalities, analyse what is causing these abnormalities  and create a treatment plan to get you moving freely again.




Weakness can develop after an injury to muscles, ligaments or joints. Weakness occurs either due to a process called muscle inhibition, lack of use, muscle imbalances or from illnesses. 


It's absolutely crucial to give your muscles the support they need to help you recover from any musculoskeletal disorder


By doing specific strength exercises, you'll be able to provide the necessary support for your muscles, joints and ligaments during the early to late recovery phase. This will help reduce pain and  prevent recurrent injuries and get you back to your everyday activities and sports in no time!


Strength exercises - physiotherapy, hereford
Balance Exercises -on bosu ball



Proprioception is how your joints help to maintain balance and stability during movements.


​Proprioceptive exercises can help prevent recurrent injuries. They will help to improve nerve pathway changes that may have occurred. These changes could affect your ability to control your joints and therefore the stability and balance. If not treated, this could lead to recurrent injuries or a new injury elsewhere.


I can provide you with proprioceptive training that's tailored to your needs to improve your balance and stability and reduce risk of these injuries.




​Postural training  involves an exercise program for the core stability and postural muscles. This is very important as  during  musculoskeletal disorders any postural dysfunctions could have a knock on effect with other areas of the body. It may be that your poor posture is the cause of pain elsewhere, such as in your shoulder or knee etc.


It is vital to maintain a good posture with a strong core to help prevent injuries and also to avoid compensatory movement patterns  developing. 


Info graphic:: Changes  in podture can increase risk of injury
Man painting ceiling



Get ready to return to your daily functional demands with the help of Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy and Sports Massage.


Whether you're recovering from an injury or disability, physiotherapy can help restore your movement and function while reducing the risk of future injuries.


Exercise is vital to regain and  maintain  strength and stability. Even just 19 minutes of additional exercise a day can make a huge difference in your mobility, activity levels, and overall quality of life!


With a focus on your own individual goals rehabilitation can help you get back to your daily functional activities at home, work, or leisure.



This is discussed in more detail inthe Sports Therapy  section


​Physiotherapy is a versatile field that can address a wide range of health conditions and injuries. From musculoskeletal problems to neurological disorders, physiotherapists have the expertise to provide tailored treatment plans that can help you achieve your goals.


One of the most common conditions treated by physiotherapy is back pain. Whether it's caused by poor posture, a herniated disc, or a sports-related injury, physiotherapists can use a combination of manual therapy, exercise prescription, and education to alleviate pain and improve spinal function. By addressing the underlying causes of back pain, physiotherapy can help prevent the condition from becoming chronic and improve your overall quality of life.


Physiotherapy is also highly effective in the management of joint disorders, such as arthritis, tendinitis, and bursitis. Through techniques like joint mobilization, strengthening exercises, and the application of heat or cold therapy, physiotherapists can help reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and enhance the function of affected joints. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, who often struggle with pain and limited mobility.


​Physiotherapists can help improve balance, coordination, and gait, as well as provide strategies for managing symptoms and enhancing overall function. By working closely with you, we can develop a comprehensive treatment plans that address your unique needs.



Lower Back Physiotherapy


Physiotherapists are highly trained healthcare professionals who play a vital role in the prevention, management, and rehabilitation of a wide range of physical and medical conditions. The expertise encompasses a deep understanding of the human body, its systems, and the complex interplay between physical, psychological, and social factors that can impact an individual's health and well-being.


At the heart of a physiotherapist's work is a commitment to helping patients achieve their optimal level of physical function and independence. Through a comprehensive assessment process, physiotherapists can identify the underlying causes of a patient's condition and develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses their specific needs. This may involve a combination of manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, and the use of modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, or heat and cold therapy.


Beyond just treating the immediate problem, physiotherapists also play a crucial role in educating and empowering their patients. They provide guidance on proper body mechanics, offer strategies for managing pain and discomfort, and equip patients with the knowledge and skills to take an active role in their own recovery and long-term health maintenance. This collaborative approach helps to foster a sense of self-efficacy and ensures that patients can continue to maintain their progress even after the formal treatment period has ended.


In addition to the clinical responsibilities, physiotherapists also contribute to the broader healthcare system through their involvement in research, advocacy, and the development of evidence-based best practices. By continuously expanding their knowledge and sharing their expertise, physiotherapists play a vital role in advancing the field of rehabilitation and improving the overall quality of care for patients.​​​​


When it comes to finding the right physiotherapist in Hereford, it's important to do your research and choose a provider who not only has the necessary qualifications and experience but also aligns with your personal preferences and treatment goals. I have over 15 years experience with different qualifications and post graduate training. I have worked in several musculoskeletal clinics that have inculded a wide range of patients. My most recent employment was at the David Lloyd Health Club in Worcester. 


When starting with physiotherapy it's important to schedule an initial consultation to assess what needs to be addressed. During this consultation, you can ask questions about the physiotherapy treatment philosophy, the types of techniques I use, and my experience in treating conditions similar to yours. This will help you to  feel comfortable and confident in the care you will receive.​

Physiotherapy Exercises with theraband


The initial consultation and assessment process is a critical first step in your physiotherapy journey. During this appointment, your physiotherapist will work closely with you to gather a comprehensive understanding of your health history, current symptoms, and treatment goals.


The consultation typically begins with a detailed interview, where your physiotherapist will ask you a series of questions about your medical background, the nature and onset of your condition, any previous treatments you have received, and how your symptoms are impacting your daily life. This information-gathering process is essential for the physiotherapist to develop a clear picture of your unique situation and to identify the underlying factors that may be contributing to your condition.


Following the interview, your physiotherapist will conduct a thorough physical examination, using a variety of assessment techniques to evaluate your range of motion, muscle strength, flexibility, posture, and overall physical function. This may involve hands-on palpation, orthopedic tests, and the use of specialized equipment, such as goniometers or dynamometers, to measure and analyze your physical capabilities.


Based on the information gathered during the consultation and assessment, your physiotherapist will then work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, and the use of modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation. Your physiotherapist will also provide you with a clear understanding of the expected timeline for your treatment, as well as any specific home exercises or self-care strategies you can implement to support your recovery.


Throughout the assessment and treatment process, your physiotherapist will maintain open communication with you, actively seeking your feedback and input to ensure that the care you receive is tailored to your unique preferences and needs. This collaborative approach is essential for building trust, fostering a positive patient-provider relationship, and ensuring the long-term success of your physiotherapy journey.


neck physiotherapy
Pain relief
BalProprioceptive training


Physiotherapy is a dynamic and multifaceted field that employs a wide range of techniques and treatments to address a variety of health conditions and physical impairments. From manual therapy to exercise-based interventions, physiotherapists have a comprehensive toolkit at their disposal to help patients achieve their rehabilitation and wellness goals.


One of the cornerstone techniques in physiotherapy is manual therapy, which involves the skilled use of the hands to assess, diagnose, and treat various musculoskeletal conditions. Manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilization, soft tissue massage, and trigger point release, can help to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and restore proper joint and muscle function. By addressing the underlying biomechanical issues, manual therapy can facilitate the body's natural healing process and enhance overall physical function.

In addition to manual therapy, physiotherapists also utilize therapeutic exercises as a key component of their treatment approach. Exercise-based interventions are designed to target specific muscle groups, improve flexibility and strength, and enhance overall physical conditioning. These exercises may range from simple stretching and strengthening routines to more complex movement patterns and functional training exercises, depending on the individual's needs and goals.


Electrotherapy modalities, such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation are another important tool in the physiotherapist's arsenal. These modalities can be used to reduce pain, promote tissue healing, and enhance the effectiveness of other treatment interventions. For example, ultrasound therapy can be used to increase blood flow and facilitate the delivery of nutrients to injured tissues, while electrical stimulation can help to reduce muscle spasms and alleviate pain.


Alongside these hands-on and technology-based treatments, physiotherapists also place a strong emphasis on patient education and the development of self-management strategies. By empowering patients with the knowledge and skills to understand their condition, manage their symptoms, and actively participate in their own care, physiotherapists can help to ensure the long-term success of the rehabilitation process and promote sustained improvements in overall health and well-being.


The type of techniques used for your treatment will vary depending on your requirements. They may include many or just a few.


The main techniques used are:






Joint mobilizations are an effective way to improve joint mobility, reduce spasm and pain. The treatment approach varies based on the amount of joint stiffness and/or pain associated with moving your joint, ensuring the best possible outcome for your condition.




  • Reduces pain​, muscle spasm and muscle guarding and improves mobility of the joint.


  • Help to increase the awareness and position of the joint, which then helps balance and stability of the joint.


  • Stimulates the lubrication of the joints - Joints require lubrication which acts like an oil to help lubricate the joint, making it healthier and more mobile.


  • Nutrient exchange is improved which keeps the joint healthy.​​


  • Maintains the length and strength of the soft tissues around the joint.

Ankle Physiotherapy
Joint Mobilisations
Joint mobs - reduce pain
Treatment techniques


​Joint traction is an effective technique that can be used to help alleviate pain, enhance joint nutrition and improve joint lubrication.


It applies a force that separates the joint surfaces without damaging the ligaments or displacing the joint.


By creating more space in the joint for synovial fluid (joint lubrication), joint distraction reduces friction and enables smoother motion, resulting in a comfortable and effective treatment.

Joint distraction - physiotherapy,


​These techniques aim to loosen up and mobilise the soft tissues (non bony part of the body). These include:








Sports Mssage - Lower back



Massage therapy is a highly effective method of correcting abnormalities in the soft tissues of the body and has many other benefits.


Massage helps to: 


  • Reduce stress

  • Improve immunity

  • Release muscle tension

  • Improve posture

  • Improve circulation

  • Reduce pain

  • Increase joint mobility

  • Improve athletic ability



It is just one of the several treatments that can aid you in recovery from injury or dysfunction, alongside the physiotherapy techniques. 


I can  also offer more advanced soft tissue mobilisation techniques that can aid in the recovery from injury or dysfunction further. These techniques are not commonly taught within physiotherapy and often post graduate training is required. 


These  include:








These are highly effective in improving muscle tone,  reducing muscle tension and increasing muscle length. As a result, they can significantly aid in the healing and repair of ligaments, tendons, and muscles, while also enhancing the strength and stability of joints.

Infographic - Sports Massage can improve body conditioning and prevent injury, no matter your level of exercise


SOft tissue mobs


Friction massage, physiotherapy, Hereford

Frictions are a highly effective manual technique used to improve the recovery of damaged muscles, tendons or ligaments. After an injury they can be used to help realign the collagen and remove scar tissue.​


They can also help with the recovery by increasing the blood flow to the area and improve the movement around the joint. ​



kinesiology taping of shoulder

Kinesiology taping, is a therapeutic technique that involves the application of a thin, stretchy, cotton-based tape onto parts of the body to try and improve alignment or take stress off certain areas.


It is known to provide benefits for a wide range of injuries and inflammatory conditions.


The tape used in this technique is designed to be almost identical to human skin in terms of thickness and elasticity, which allows it to be worn without causing any discomfort or restricting movement.



Rehabilitation exercises and homecare advice are integral components of the physiotherapy process, as they empower patients to take an active role in their recovery and maintain the progress they have achieved during their treatment sessions.


During the course of physiotherapy, your physiotherapist will work with you to develop a personalized exercise program that addresses your specific needs and goals. These exercises may target muscle strengthening, flexibility, balance, and coordination, depending on the nature of your condition and the areas that require the most attention.


I will provide detailed instructions on how to perform these exercises correctly, including the appropriate number of repetitions, sets, and any modifications or progressions that may be necessary. I will also demonstrate the exercises during your sessions, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the proper technique and can safely execute them on your own. You will also receive video’s of the exercises by email if you are happy with that.


In addition to the rehabilitation exercises prescribed, I will also offer valuable homecare advice to support your ongoing recovery and maintenance of physical function. This may include recommendations for the use of assistive devices, such as braces or supports, as well as guidance on proper posture, body mechanics, and lifestyle modifications that can help to prevent the recurrence of your condition.


​There are different types of exercise to be used alongside manual therapy techniques depending on what is required. The main  types of exercises used are: 



Exercise programs are an essential part of treatment sessions and will be important if you participate in exercise or not. 

Image of physiotherapy neck exercises



Mobility exercises will help to increase joint range of movement.​ Mobility exercises will also help with muscle strength and endurance. They assist in improving our posture and help to alleviate 'everyday' aches and pains.



​​Your muscles may become weak either from muscle inhibition that can often occur after sustaining an injury or they become weak due to general lack of use. This can disrupt muscle balance and lead to further complications.


To prevent injuries and prepare for everyday activities or athletic performance, strengthening exercises are recommended. To ensure stability and control, strength and coordination are necessary for all regular joint movements in daily activities.


Infographic - physiotherapy exercise is very effective in preventing tennis elbow,

The exercises provided will differ based on the treatment objectives, such as the sporting or functional requirements.

strength exercises, physiotherapy hereford

​Incorporating strengthening exercises into your routine is crucial for everyone, regardless of involvement in sports.


These exercises can be tailored to meet your daily functional or sporting needs and can also benefit individuals with different medical conditions such as arthritis. Your treatment plan will include strength, power, and endurance exercises as needed.



Muscular endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to produce force repeatedly against a load over a period of time. It is a crucial aspect of physical fitness, especially for athletes and individuals who engage in repetitive motions for functional or occupational activities e.g. using the leg muscles repetitively for long periods of time when running or walking up and down hills, or using a the arm when painting. 

Without adequate endurance, muscles are more prone to failure which then increases the risk of injury. Whether you're a runner, a dog walker, or a painter, building muscular endurance can help you perform your activities with greater ease and safety


Improving muscular endurance can help with general health and fitness and helps to:

  • lower the risk of musculoskeletal injuries

  • maintain a good posture for longer

  • perform daily tasks

  • increase athletic performance in sports that require endurance




As well as building muscle strength, power and endurance, it is also essential to ensure the co-ordination of muscles adequate.​​ After an injury or dysfunction, it's common to experience a loss of coordination, control, and stability around the joint due to muscle inhibition. This can cause the muscles to weaken and 'switch off'. 


To improve general movement patterns and coordination between different body segments, exercises can be used to help restore muscle strength, power, and endurance.







Range of motion exercises are another type of exercise used during treatment plans. They are often prescribed to increase or maintain flexibility and to reduce joint stiffness.


There are several types of range of motion exercises that can be provided.​


hip physiotherapy hereford
stretching hamstrings



Muscle shortening can be caused by various factors such as  injury, postural dysfunctions, muscle imbalances, overuse, ageing and maintaining a shortened position for a prolonged time. 


Depending on the purpose of stretching, different techniques will be recommended, including pre and post-exercise stretching.


Mobility Exercise
Strength Exercise
ROM Exercise
Proprioceptive training


Proprioception can be affected after an injury or during musculoskeletal dysfunctions. When the proprioception is reduced it can effect the balance and stability.


Proprioceptive and neuromuscular control are crucial for effective rehabilitation, and should be combined with strength, endurance, flexibility and mobility training.


Proprioceptive training involves  balance exercises and exercises that improve the movement coordination and efficiency. 

balance exercises on bosu (2) physiotherapy, Hereford


As a part of my treatment approach, I confidently teach patients how to manage their symptoms on their own in between each session as they improve and then for when treatment has finished to maintain the improvements and reduce the risk of reinjury or recurrent problems. 


I may suggest the incorporation of complementary self-care practices, such as the application of heat or cold therapy, the use of relaxation techniques, self mobilisation techniques or the implementation of ergonomic adjustments in your work or home environment.


I strongly believe that it's crucial for patients to learn self-management techniques to maximise recovery, speed up the healing process  and to reduce the number of treatment sessions required.


By empowering you with this knowledge and guidance, your physiotherapist can help you take an active role in your own health and wellness, ensuring that the progress you make during your treatment sessions is sustained and reinforced in your daily life.


Full recovery is not always guaranteed, but I strive to help patients achieve the best recovery possible.​


Physiotherapy is not just about treating existing conditions or injuries; it also plays a crucial role in the prevention of future problems and the maintenance of long-term physical health and well-being.


One of the key preventive measures that physiotherapy can help you implement is the development of a comprehensive exercise program tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle. By identifying areas of weakness or imbalance, I can design targeted exercise routines that can help to improve your overall strength, flexibility, and stability, reducing the risk of future injuries or the exacerbation of existing conditions.


In addition to exercise, I will also provide guidance on proper body mechanics, posture, and ergonomic considerations to help you prevent the development of musculoskeletal issues in your daily life. This may include recommendations for workplace adjustments, the use of supportive equipment, or the incorporation of stretching and movement breaks throughout the day.


For individuals with chronic conditions or a history of recurrent injuries, ongoing maintenance and follow-up care with a physiotherapist can be crucial for maintaining optimal physical function and preventing the worsening of symptoms. After consultation with you I may recommend regular check-ups, periodic reassessments, and the implementation of personalized maintenance programs to help you stay on track and continue to make progress in your health and wellness journey.


By embracing a proactive and preventive approach to physiotherapy, you can not only address current concerns but also take steps to safeguard your long-term physical well-being. Through the guidance and support of experienced physiotherapists, you can develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to actively manage your health and maintain an active, pain-free lifestyle for years to come.


Physiotherapy exercise with theraband


In conclusion,at Dynamive Movement Physiotherapy here in Hereford I can offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to restoring physical function, managing pain, and optimizing overall health and well-being. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or simply seeking to enhance your fitness and performance, the skilled physiotherapists in Hereford have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.


By understanding the benefits of physiotherapy, the common conditions it can address, and the role of the physiotherapist, you can make informed decisions about your healthcare and take an active role in your own recovery and long-term wellness. The initial consultation and assessment process, combined with the wide range of effective physiotherapy techniques and treatments, can help you unlock the secrets to a pain-free and active life.


Moreover, by embracing the rehabilitation exercises and homecare advice provided by your physiotherapist, as well as the preventive measures and ongoing maintenance strategies, you can take control of your physical health and maintain the progress you've made long after your formal treatment has ended. With the right physiotherapist in Hereford by your side, you can embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and well-being.


So, if you're ready to unlock the secrets of effective physiotherapy here in Hereford, take the first step by reaching out to book an appointment. With the guidance and support from myself as a physiotherapist with many years of experience, you can unlock a future filled with renewed mobility, reduced pain, and an enhanced quality of life. Embrace the power of physiotherapy and unlock your path to a healthier, more active you.

I can offer you a complete treatment plan that will help you reach your desired goal with reduced pain, increased strength, flexibility, balance, stability, and improved posture. You will be in peak physical condition, ready for work, daily activities, or sports.


Book NOW to boost your confidence like never before! - Current Prices

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lf management and advice
Self massage. hereford
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